Management Team – Organizational chart
Created in 1980, the “Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy (CRAN)” is a joint research unit (UMR 7039) shared by the University of Lorraine (UL) and the CNRS “Institut des sciences de l’information et de leurs interactions (INS2I)” and “Institut des Sciences de l’Ingénierie et des Systèmes (INSIS)”. It also hosts researchers from the “Lorraine Cancer Institute” (ICL, Centre de lutte contre le cancer), the University Hospital., the Regional Hospital Center of Metz-Thionville and the LIST in Luxembourg-City.As of January 1, 2022, the laboratory has 106 professor-researchers, 4 emeritus, 9 CNRS researchers, 9 other researchers from UL, ICL and CHU or external organizations, 13 post-doctoral fellows, 90 doctoral students and 34 (including 29 permanent and 5 fixed-term contracts) engineers, technicians or administrators. It is part of the Charles Hermite Automatique, Informatique, Mathématiques de Lorraine Research Federation and the Automatique, Mathématiques, Informatique et leurs Interactions (AM2I) scientific pole of the University of Lorraine.
Based on digital sciences, the laboratory is internationally recognized for its activities in the fields of signal and image processing, control and computer engineering, as well as for its work in health in connection with biology and neuroscience. Today, its fundamental and applied research enables it to accompany the changes in society and goes beyond the traditional industrial issues: energy production, management of the intelligent city or transport. In health, it is opening up to diagnosis and care in cancerology and neurology.
They are crossing sociology, listening to social behaviors and opinion dynamics, and investing in the field of sustainable development, in the service of the circular economy and ecological systems.
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