Séminaire de Morgan Louédec


12 septembre 2024    
14h00 - 15h00

2, Avenue de la Foret de Haye, Voandoeuvre-les-Nancy, 54516

Type d’évènement

Titre : Guaranteed ellipsoidal numerical method for the stability analysis of the formation control of a group of underwater robots.

Résumé : Various theoretical controllers have been proposed to make underwater robots move in a formation to make the group’s behaviour more reliable. As for every autonomous system, stability analysis is one step of a controller’s validation. Yet, as the complexity of these nonlinear systems increases, it becomes difficult to study the stability of a group of robots with the conventional Lyapunov method. In parallel, the mathematical topic of Interval analysis has been shown to provide efficient numerical approaches for solving various tasks in control theory. Therefore, there is an interest in developing computer-assisted proofs for studying systems that are too complex to study manually. This seminar presents a new guaranteed numerical method that can assist in the proof of stability for the formation control of a group of underwater robots. This method uses ellipsoids and is designed for high-dimensional nonlinear hybrid systems.

Biographie : Morgan Louedec received a general engineering degree at the Ecole Centrale Nantes and a master of science in Electrical Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark in 2021. Since 2021, he is preparing for his Ph.D. at the LAB-STICC within the ENSTA Bretagne on the topic of the stability of groups of robots. His research interests are in the stability analysis of dynamical systems and guaranteed numerical tools.

Lien Teams: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MzRjYmM3ZmQtMmNhMS00YmYwLWI4OGItNGIxMDU2NTUwOGYx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22158716cf-46b9-48ca-8c49-c7bb67e575f3%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22955ae724-3c70-4f81-8a92-327e1dc5af57%22%7d

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