– Résumé : Hybrid Control encompasses to a set of controllers and feedback strategies that have both continuous and discrete dynamics, known as flows as jumps, respectively. This talk explores two distinct classes of hybrid controllers and their application in aerial vehicle control: synergistic hybrid feedback and event-triggered control. Synergistic hybrid feedback is a hybrid control strategy that relies on the definition of a collection of Lyapunov functions and feedback pairs that guarantee global asymptotic stability of a desired setpoint by switching operating modes near undesired equilibria. We show that this approach can be used to overcome the topological constraints to global asymptotic stabilization on compact manifolds, enabling global trajectory tracking for aerial vehicles, robust obstacle avoidance, global agent synchronization, and other applications. We will also look into hybrid systems models for event-triggered control systems and show that there are some benefits to this approach. In particular, we show that nominally well-posed event-triggered control systems with complete discrete solutions may exhibit arbitrarily small separation between sampling events under the influence of arbitrarily small state perturbations, and we present some possible solutions to this problem, such as time-regularization, state-space regularization and model-based event-triggered control.
– Biographie : Pedro Casau is a Researcher at IT-Instituto de Telecomunicacões and an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of the University of Aveiro, Portugal. He received the B.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering in 2008 from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST). In 2010, he received the M.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering from IST and enrolled in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Ph.D. program at the same institution which he completed with distinction and honour in 2016. He held the Research Assistant position at the University of Macau and was a Research Fellow at the Institute for Systems and Robotics in Lisbon. He participated in several national and international research projects on guidance, navigation and control of unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) and satellites. His current research interests include nonlinear control, hybrid control systems, networked control systems, event-triggered control, vision-based control systems, controller design for autonomous air-vehicles and spacecraft systems.
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