Doctoral workshop SDF-PHM2 – Université de Tongji, Shanghai


27 mars 2024    
8h00 - 12h00

745 Rue du Jardin Botanique, Villers-lès-Nancy

Type d’évènement

8:00-8:05, Introduction – UL, Benoît Iung
8:05-8:10, Introduction – UTongJi, Li Li

PhD candidate presentations
8:10-8:35, Critical evolutionary mechanisms of complex manufacturing systems under risk propagation, Ji Peng-Cheng (UTongji)
8:35-8:50, Federated Learning for Prognostics & Health Management, Ilias Abdouni (UL)
8:50-9:15, Application of DRL for complex scheduling problems, Kunhao Chen (UTongji)
9:15-9:40, AI-based machine learning and reasoning for predictive maintenance of reconfigurable manufacturing systems, Huu-Truong Le (UL)
9:40-10:05, Wireless sensing approach based on DL for industrial applications, Zhao Yunming (UTongji)

10:05-10:15, Break

Senior researcher presentations
10:15-10:25, AI for prognostics & predictive maintenance – UL team, Phuc Do & Alexandre Voisin
10:25-10:35, Predictive Maintenance Strategy Based on Causal Inference and Reinforcement Learning, Jia Xu
10:35-11:00, Discussion on next steps, UL team & UTongJi team

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