SiMul Seminar Program
9:30 – 10:30 Short Scientific Presentations:
• Emilio Norberto Abata (M2): « Adaptation de domaine pour la prédiction de durée de vie de batteries industrielles »
• Antoine Kickens (M2): « Réseaux de neurones lipschitziens »
• Joppe De Jonghe (PhD): « Tensor-based methods for training multi-layer flexible neural networks »
10:30 – 11:30 Invited Talk:
• Ivan Yakushev: « Application of machine learning in visual art »
Abstract « This presentation will explore the current state of using local diffusion models in video and image generation, the interfaces and workflows commonly utilized in this area. In addition to highlighting the current capabilities of these models, we will also discuss their limitations and potential opportunities for future research and multidisciplinary collaboration.