19/09/2019 - 14H00
Jomphop Veetaseveera (équipe CO²)
Decentralized control for guaranteed individual costs in a linear multi-agent system: a satisfaction equilibrium approach
Jeudi 19 septembre - 14h - salle 124 ENSEM

Le prochain séminaire de l'équipe CO² aura lieu le jeudi 19 septembre à 14h en salle 124 jaune de l'ENSEM.


Jomphop Veetaseveera (doctorant encadré par C. Morarescu et V. Varma) fera un exposé intitulé "Decentralized control for guaranteed individual costs in a linear multi-agent system: a satisfaction equilibrium approach".

Abstract: This work focuses on the design of decentralized feedback control gains that aims at optimizing individual costs in a multi-agent synchronization problem. Each agent/node i is an LTI system, whose input is determined from the sum of the difference of outputs with its neighbors via static gains. The goal is to find these gains to guarantee that the cost incurred by each agent is below a threshold gamma, where the cost contains contribution both from the distance to the neighbors and the control action. As reported in the literature, the optimal control design for synchronization of agents using local information is NP-hard. Consequently, we relax the problem and use the notion of satisfaction equilibrium from game theory to ensure that each individual cost is guaranteed to be lower than a given threshold. Our main results provide conditions in the form of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) to check if a given set of control gains are in satisfaction equilibrium i.e. all individual costs are upper-bounded by the imposed threshold. Moreover, we provide an algorithm in order to synthesize gains that are in satisfaction equilibrium.